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MoGio Virtual Bookkeeping and Admin Assistant

07712 585299 | 01273 931555 |

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      Terms and Conditions


  1. These terms & conditions apply to any work done for the Client by MoGio.

  2. MoGio will provide service(s) as mutually agreed, confirmed in writing by the Client.

  3. The work will be carried out unsupervised at such times and places as determined by MoGio, using MoGio's own equipment.

  4. MoGio will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that its workforce is capable and qualified to carry out the client's work to the highest standard, however, where necessary MoGio may need to source a third party to ensure this. 

  5. MoGio (Trading as Faz Air Ltd) confirms that is a company/self-employed, therefore responsible for her/his own income tax and National Insurance contributions, and for paying VAT (where applicable) and will not claim benefits granted to the Client's employees.

  6. Mogio operates as (MoGio trading as Faz Air Ltd), a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 5095536 whose registered office is at 36a Goring Road, Goring-By-Sea, West Sussex, BN12 4AD;

  7. Initial half-hour consultation is complimentary.

  8. MoGio agrees to attend the Client's or other premises for necessary meetings, the time spent and agreed reasonable expenses incurred to be reimbursed by the Client. Travel costs may be charged at £0.45p per mile, travel by public transport will be charged at cost.

  9. The Client will pay the Freelance a fee per hour OR an agreed flat fee for the job, VAT is not applicable. Where appropriate a deposit of 50% of the estimated cost will be required from new clients before the start of an assignment.

  10. First time clients will initially be invoiced after two (2) weeks then all subsequent invoices will be at the frequency agreed.

  11. Billable time includes meetings outside of contracted hours, and includes the writing and/or reading of correspondence sent by mail or email.

  12. If the work agreed is based on an hourly rate, then a minimum invoice amount is for one hour and the hourly rate is billed in increments of 15 minutes, with time rounded up or down to the nearest quarter of an hour. If on retainer, any unused prepaid retainer hours will not be carried over to the following month.

  13. Completed work will be supplied in different ways depending on the service requested, typically by email with attachments, CD or 1st Class Mail. MoGio cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to documentation sent in the post or by any other method. Postage, printing and other stationery expenses bought on behalf of the client’s business will be added to the invoice for reimbursement.

  14. MoGio cannot be held responsible for liability of any damage caused by computer viruses. Clients are advised to ensure they have adequate virus protection in place at all times to avoid this risk.

  15. The completed work will be delivered on or before the date agreed, for the agreed fee, which will be based on the description of the work required and the brief, both supplied by the Client.

  16. If, however, on receipt of the item to be worked on or at an early stage, it becomes apparent that significantly more work is required than had been anticipated in the preliminary discussion/brief, the Freelance may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.

  17. Similarly, if, during the term of MoGio's work, additional tasks are requested by the Client, MoGio may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.

  18. If the project is lengthy, MoGio may invoice periodically for completed stages.

  19. Should ongoing project work be suspended or delayed through any default of the client, MoGio shall be entitled to immediate payment for work already carried out and expenses incurred.

  20. Final proofreading and checking of all work supplied is the responsibility of the client.

  21. Any errors must be reported within three (3) days of receipt of completed work. Errors generated by MoGio will be rectified in her own time and at her expense but amendments or alterations requested by the client thereafter will be charged at the standard hourly rate.

  22. Unless agreed otherwise at the outset, payment terms are strictly on receipt of MoGio's invoice, made by Bank Transfer, according to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (amended 2002 and 2013). MoGio reserves the right to charge 2.5% interest per month on overdue accounts.

  23. MoGio services are rendered on a deadline basis, agreed with the client before commencing the work, therefore, time reports will not be provided to clients.

  24. All payments are to be made by bank transfer or cash.

  25. No further work will be undertaken once an invoice becomes overdue.

  26. Any content created by MoGio as part of a copy-editing/proofreading/project management process will become the copyright of the Client, unless otherwise agreed.

  27. The nature and content of the work will be kept confidential and not made known to anyone other than the Client and its contractors without prior written permission.

  28. The Freelance guarantees that any work that she/he subcontracts on behalf of the Client will be completed to the same standard, schedule and budget and with the same conditions of confidentiality.

  29. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998, the Client and MoGio may keep on record such information (e.g. contact details) as is necessary. Either may view the other's records to ensure that they are relevant, correct and up to date. 

  30. All materials and information supplied by the client will be treated with the utmost confidentiality at all times and where required a confidentiality agreement provided by the client will be signed.

  31. All original documents, disks or CDs provided by the Client will be returned to the Client once the assignment is complete and payment is received.

  32. Any work produced will be held electronically on file for the duration of the project and for 7 years thereafter. This will allow us to produce financial records going back far enough in time to satisfy HMRC, communication records going far enough back to satisfy our insurers. MoGio's clients often come back to us for information they have forgotten or can no longer find.

  33. Either the Client or MoGio has the right to terminate a contract for services if there is a serious breach of its terms.

  34. Information concerning dispute resolution is contained in the written Agreement including communication on recourse options before litigation.

  35. This agreement is subject to the laws of England and Wales, and both MoGio and Client agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.


        Referral Scheme


  1. The individual you are referring must not be an existing or previous client of MoGio’VA.

  2. The referee is eligible to receive a £20 Amazon voucher if they refer a person who signs up for a minimum of 5 hours with MoGio'VA.

  3. Vouchers are payable per referral, not by the number of hours taken – if a referral signs up for multiple hours or longer contracts, the reward is still 1 x £20 Amazon Voucher.

  4. Payment of the referral voucher is only payable for sign ups of 5 hours (must be used within one Month) or more. The voucher will be sent 1 month after work commences for your referral, and when MoGio’VA’s invoice has been paid by the client.

  5. The voucher is not transferable or redeemable for cash.

  6. The referred person must be notified and have consented to their details being passed to MoGio’VA before the date of the referral. This is the responsibility of the referee and is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. The referee will indemnify MoGio'VA for any loss or claim arising out of the referee's failure to procure such consent. 

  7. A person or business can only be referred to Mogio’VA by one person. In the event that a person is referred to MoGio’VA by more than one person, the first referee to send that referral will be eligible for the "Refer a Friend" voucher.

  8. MoGio’VA shall endeavour to ensure that vouchers are received by the referee but it accepts no responsibility for any failure to do so. Please allow up to 28 days for delivery of voucher.

  9. Mogio’VA reserves the right to alter the conditions of the referral scheme or cancel the scheme without written notice. The most up to date conditions will always be available on the website 

  10. In the event of any dispute, MoGio’VA’s decision shall be final.


        Gift Vouchers


  1. All our usual terms and conditions and policies apply to our Gift Vouchers.

  2. In order to redeem a Gift Voucher, you will need to fill in the Free Consultation form through our Website quoting FHS-MOGIO7. (This will ensure that you will get the first 30 minutes consultation Free in addition to the 1 Hour Free session work.

  3. All Gift Vouchers will be valid for 30 days from the date of an email confirmation of acceptance of work, sent by MoGio'VA to the client.

  4. Gift Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.

  5. Gift Vouchers may only be redeemed once.

  6. For work carried out over and above the 1 hour free session this will be charged at the normal rate and all the usual T&C apply.

  7. Questions, comments and requests regarding Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions are welcomed, please contact us.

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