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MoGio Virtual Bookkeeping and Admin Assistant

07712 585299 | 01273 931555 |

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Where I get my MoGio.

If you’ve ever bought a laptop or a tablet and you’re not a technical wizard, you’ll know it can be quite daunting. Do you get the expensive one with all the best features, the basic one that just about does the job, or pick something based on colour alone? When you finally make a choice and it doesn’t work, it can feel like you shouldn’t have bothered.



Before MoGio was even a seed in my mind, one of my colleagues had this exact problem. She tried to contact the website she had bought her laptop from but she was constantly being fobbed off. She really needed a working device and couldn’t afford to buy another one so she asked for my help.

Monica Rossi - MoGio VA
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As a native Italian, English isn’t my first language, efficiency is. That never gets in my way. I called the customer service line and waited on hold for what felt like the whole top 40 chart to finish before finally speaking to someone. The response was weak at best. Blaming my friend, claiming they didn’t offer refunds, pretending that there weren’t any supervisors in the office to speak with.



None of that would stop me. I had a plan and I was going to stick to it. I knew every detail. I could answer every question. I understood her rights and the scope of what she could ask for. I made sure I took names and numbers. I even made a note of the serials. With persistence, professionalism and enough flexibility to adapt when needed, I got my friend the refund she deserved.



The moment I got off the call, I felt the adrenaline surge through me. It wasn’t a huge deal; I got a refund off an unscrupulous company but it felt great to see my friend’s smile. I knew she was happy and she could move on, without having another stress in her life. It felt good and although this is just one moment that led to me starting MoGio, it’s a perfect example of why I do what I do.

What drives me more than anything else is the fulfilment I feel when I’ve been part of making something happen. I do that best when I’m looking after my clients’ bookkeeping. I know every penny counts, especially in smaller businesses. I’m a planner and a doer. If I commit to a task, it will be done, so you can get ahead of your tax bill and focus on delivering for your customers.



By the way, if you’re wondering how to pronounce the business name, think mojo with an Italian accent and you’re halfway there. You can ask me more about it on our free introductory call.




Monica Rossi - MoGio VA
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